Program 2023
This year, Science & Innovation Day will be arranged on October 19 together with Good Tech Conference at Clarion Hotel in Sundsvall. This means that you will get two conferences in the price of one and you can pick and choose from the both programs.
Time schedule
08:15 Check in and coffee
08:45 Welcome with Giselle Abbas, Moderator
Room: Draksalen, Language: Swedish
09:00 Keynote: Daniel Akenine, National Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft
Room: Draksalen, Language: Swedish
10:00 Coffee break and exhibition
10:30 Session 1: Data a key to success - Explore AI, IoT and Sustainable development with Mid Sweden University
Room: Campus, Language: English
11:30 Session 2: Beyond Numbers: The Magic of Visualizing Data
Room: Campus , Language: English
12:15 Lunch break and exhibition - Clarion hotel restaurant
13:30 Session 3: Digital, god och nära vård - Framtidens sjukvård med hjälp av ny teknik
Room: Campus, Language: Swedish
13:30 Session 3: Amplifying Professional Communication through Visualizations
Room: Kultan, Language: English
14:30 Session 4: AI-verkstad - Effektivisera ditt arbete
Room: Campus, Language: Swedish
15:15 Coffee break and exhibition
15:45 Keynote: Ishtar Touailat, AI & Innovation Manager, Swedish Pensions Agency
Room: Draksalen, Language: Swedish
17:00 After conference
Room: Exhibition area
19:00 Dinner and entertainment
Room: Draksalen